The Massachusetts Masons have an awesome medical equipment loan program located right in Woburn, Ma. This is a free service available to absolutely anyone who has need for specialized equipment that insurance may not cover. They stock just about everything you could imagine including hospital beds, Hoyer lifts, lift chairs, transfer benches, canes, walkers, air mattresses, you name it. Some items are of course in high demand and are offered strictly on a first come first served basis. I suggest that you call first to verify that any equipment that you or a loved one could use is in stock. All the Masons ask is that when you no longer have need for the equipment that you bring it back so that someone else who really needs it can get it. Yes, we take donations too if you have equipment to donate!
The program is located at 500 West Cummings Park (REAR) – Suite 1150 Washington Street, Woburn, Ma. You can reach them at 781-322-1052.
The Shriners are also an awesome group of Masonic brothers. They put on an amazing circus every year not to mention all the wonderful work they do in addition that benefits the Shriners Hospitals. My friend Scott (Snarfie the Clown) is tireless with all the time he donates to the Shriners Hospital to cheer the kids up, special events and of course the Circus! A great bunch of guys at the Shiners and an amazing Circus show if you have never been. Not a bad seat in the house. Check out the EVENTS & INFO at the links below for a full schedule.
If you have ever considered becoming a Mason then I urge you to do so. Due to the pandemic the Masons can use your help more than ever. We all have something to give back and this is a very worthy fraternity that is in the business of giving back. I am proud to call myself a Masonic fraternal brother. I have learned so much from my fellow brethren who are some of the most giving people on the planet. Check out the links below and please consider joining your local Masonic Chapter. You’ll be glad you did!